God's Work. Our Hands.  


Worship is in-person and online.

Stay home when you are sick.  Keep your vaccination up-to-date!

If you’d like a congregation with spiritual worship, compassionate outreach to the needy and intellectually engaged questions about faith, St. Paul’s could be for you.   We welcome all.  Our entrance and bathrooms are handicap-accessible. 


1) 9:30am Zoom fellowship

2) 10:00am in person and Zoom

3) Also, a video will be sent for you to view. 

Children's Sunday School is 10:00am

Pastor Jim recommends a new book about Anti-Semitism by Dara Horn.  Here's a chapter. 


+ August 2024

"Conspiracies, Cults and Chaos," January 6, 2021 Attack on the Capitol

+ 2023 Year-End Review

We welcome all who are seeking God’s love and grace. 

We welcome all because God welcomes all. 

We encourage young children to participate and make their presence known.  We are many races and cultures, different sexual orientations, gender identities and families of various configurations and single people.  We come from a wide variety of places on earth and individual spiritual journeys. We are various stages of life, differing abilities and health, and economic circumstances. Our unity is in Christ who calls for us to reject division and discrimination. 

In our scripture it is written: "In Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.  There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3

   ".... When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astounded and said, 

‘Then who can be saved?’ But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘For mortals

it is impossible, but for God all things are possible.’ "    - Matthew 19:25-26

Click to see these videos:

+ Pulpit Exchange with Rabbi Goldberg

A pandemic sermon.  "Where is God?"

+ Christians discuss Abortion & Reproductive Rights

+ Is America Racist?

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Other giving options like Venmo

St. Paul's  Child Care Center

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- Pastor's 20th Anniversary

St. Paul’s is part of a denomination that believes women and men are equally capable of leading and serving the church in any role.   We elect our leaders and Pastors and make important decisions as a group.  We cooperate with the other local, regional and national Lutheran churches, a dozen in Westchester.  We also join together with local faith and community leaders (see more).

Follow us on Facebook

We believe in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  We are named for Paul, the apostle of Christ who took the message of the gospel -- that God has set us free from sin and death -- to diverse communities.  In doing this he was rejecting notions of national, religious and cultural separations and preached a message of equality between sisters and brothers in Christ.  He founded churches that were spiritually active, socially concerned and united across old divisions. 

We are rich in history and actively engaged in today's social and ethical issues.   Through it all we rejoice in our blessings and seek to be a community of faith and support. 

 "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice." 

- Paul's letter to the Philippians 4:4


Pastor Jim O'Hanlon (He/ him/ his - pronouns matter)